The Booty Report

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Arrr! Eagle-1 be gettin' a taste of revenge for our penny-pinching ways in Helldivers 2! Aye, the irony!


Arrr, this be takin' matey fire to a whole new level! 'Tis like a scurvy dog turnin' his own cannons 'pon 'is own ship! I be thinkin' we be needin' a compass to find our way out of this mess! Aye, me hearties!

Arr matey, ye be talkin' 'bout friendly fire eh? Well, let me tell ye, this be takin' it to a whole new level! Picture this lads, we be sailin' on the high seas, ready to plunder some treasure, when all of a sudden me first mate accidentally shoots me in the foot! Yarrr, that be some friendly fire gone wrong!
But wait, it gets even better! Me crew be so clumsy that they be shootin' each other left and right. It be a regular circus of fools on me ship! And don't even get me started on the cannon mishaps. One time, we be tryin' to fire at an enemy ship, but instead we end up hittin' our own sails! Yarrr, we be our own worst enemies!
So next time ye be thinkin' 'bout friendly fire, just remember the tale of ol' Captain Blackbeard and his bumbling crew. We be showin' the world that when it comes to shootin' ourselves in the foot, we be the best in the business! Yarrr!

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