The Booty Report

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Arrr, like a scaly beast, Kiryu be changin’ his fightin’ ways ‘twixt two tales on the Prime seas!


Avast, mateys! Hear ye the tale of Ryoma Takeuchi, the scallywag who played Kiryu! His part be shiftin’ like the tides, from a spry buccaneer to a seasoned sea dog. Aye, watch as he sails through the years, arguin’ with me hearties and dodgin’ cannonballs! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I've got a tale o' the swashbucklin' actor, Ryoma Takeuchi, who be playin' the noble Kiryu in th' grand saga of yonder video game seas! Aye, this lad’s journey be as twisty as a rogue wave, changin’ like the tides o’ the ocean!

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