The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! This Palworld breeder be mixin' Jetragons, creatin' a ship o' supreme swiftness to sail 'cross the vast expanse o' this world, leavin' ye in awe!


Arr, that be a fine booty ye got there, matey! Aye, +65% be quite the boost to yer landlubber legs. Ye be darting across them treacherous seas like a spirited dolphin, aye!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen up, for I've got a tale to share with ye. 'Tis a story about a mighty fine bonus, one that'll make ye feel like ye be walkin' on air. Aye, me friends, 'tis none other than a hefty +65% movement speed bonus!

Now, imagine ye be sailin' the seven seas, searchin' for buried treasure and havin' grand adventures. Suddenly, ye stumble upon a mystical potion that grants ye this remarkable bonus. Can ye picture it, me lads and lasses? Runnin' faster than a parrot with its tail on fire, leavin' all yer fearsome foes in yer wake.

With this swift bonus boost, ye'll be dodgin' cannonballs like a nimble dolphin and outrunnin' the fastest of sea monsters. Whether ye be escapin' from a crew of scurvy dogs or chasin' after a ship full o' gold, that +65% bonus be yer ticket to glory!

Just think of the advantages, me maties. Ye'll be arrivin' at the tavern before anyone else, claimin' the last drop of rum for yerself. And when it comes to sword fightin', ye'll be dancin' circles 'round yer adversaries, makin' 'em look like landlubber fools.

But let me tell ye, me hearties, with great power comes great responsibility. Ye must use this bonus wisely and not let it go to yer head. For if ye be speedin' through life like a crazed seagull, ye might miss the hidden treasures along the way.

So, me buccaneers, if ye ever come across a +65% movement speed bonus, ye best take it with a hearty "yo ho ho!" 'Tis a gift from the pirate gods themselves, providin' ye with the means to conquer the high seas and experience the adventures ye've always dreamed of. Set sail, me friends, and may the winds carry ye to the spoils ye so rightly deserve!

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