The Booty Report

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Arrr, Sony's blunder be so grand that even Ghost of Tsushima be walkin' the plank from Steam across 170 lands!


Arrr, me hearties! Ye can sail the seas solo in Ghost of Tsushima without needin' a PSN account, but if ye be lookin' to plunder with yer crew in co-op mode, ye'll be needin' to join the ranks of the scurvy dogs on PSN. Aye, 'tis the pirate's code!

Arr matey, listen up me hearty crew! If ye be settin' sail for the shores of Ghost of Tsushima, beware the treacherous waters of the co-op mode. Ye see, the singleplayer adventure be open to all, no need for a scurvy PSN account to plunder and pillage to yer heart's content. But when it comes to joinin' forces with yer fellow swashbucklers in the co-op mode, ye best be havin' a PSN account at the ready, or ye'll be walkin' the plank.
So me mateys, if ye be lookin' to raise anchor and set sail for a jolly good time in Ghost of Tsushima's co-op mode, make sure ye've got yer PSN account shipshape and ready to go. And don't be forgettin' to keep an eye out for any scallywags tryin' to hornswoggle ye into signin' up for a PSN account when ye don't need it for the singleplayer adventure. Stay sharp me hearties, and may the winds of fortune be at yer backs as ye embark on this grand adventure in the land of the samurai.

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