The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! The captain of Baldur's Gate be vowin' a treasure so grand, ye’ll be shinin’ with delight!


"Arrr, raise yer tankards high, me hearties! To the next grand adventure, we toast! May our sails be full, our grog be plenty, and may we find treasure aplenty—unless it be a kraken! Then we'll be makin' a hasty retreat, savvy?"

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, for I be raisin' me tankard to the next grand adventure! With the wind at our backs and a belly full of rum, we be set to sail the seven seas once more, plunderin’ treasures and chasin’ mermaids! Aye, the horizon calls like a siren’s song, and I be answerin’ with a hearty laugh and a hearty "Yo ho!"

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