The Booty Report

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Arrr, a new scallywag shall make his grand entrance in the Amazing Spider-Man come June! Avast ye!


"Arrr, this scallywag Norman Osborn be spawnin' offspring from his wicked ways! Aye, the apple don't fall far from the tree, mateys. Watch out for them little buccaneers, they be trouble on the high seas!"

Arr matey, gather 'round ye scurvy dogs and listen to the tale of the infamous scoundrel known as Norman Osborn. Legend has it that he was born from the sins of the darkest depths of the sea, with a heart as black as the night sky. This treacherous villain was feared by all who crossed his path, for his cunning ways and deceitful nature knew no bounds.
With a crew of cutthroat pirates at his command, Norman Osborn sailed the seven seas in search of treasure and glory. His ship, the Black Widow, was known far and wide for its speed and stealth, striking fear into the hearts of all who saw its tattered sails on the horizon.
But beware, me hearties, for crossing paths with Norman Osborn was a perilous venture indeed. Many a brave soul fell victim to his ruthless ways, never to be seen or heard from again. Some say his ghost still haunts the waters, seeking revenge on those who dare to challenge his reign of terror.
So heed this warning, ye scallywags, and steer clear of Norman Osborn and his cursed crew. For the sins of the past have come back to haunt us all, and only the bravest of souls will survive to tell the tale of the infamous pirate born from the sins of Norman Osborn.

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