The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, this PlayStation scallywag be thinkin' PC buccaneers will jump ship fer a PS5. Thar be no loot in that plan!


Arrr matey! Hermen Hulst be tellin' ye to plunder Spider-Man 1 on ye PC, and then pillage a PS5 for Spider-Man 2. He be wantin' ye to set sail on a grand gaming adventure, savvy? Arrr!

Arr matey! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, as I bring ye news from the high seas of gaming. Aye, 'tis Hermen Hulst, the captain of Sony's gaming ship, who be tellin' ye to hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for the PC shores to play Spider-Man 1. But mark me words, me hearties, for this be no mere suggestion. Nay, 'tis a clever ploy to get ye hooked on the adventures of the web-slingin' hero before ye must make the ultimate decision.
Ye see, Spider-Man 2 be a treasure exclusive to the PS5, and Hermen Hulst be wantin' ye to buckle yer swashes and join the crew of PlayStation to continue the saga. 'Tis a cunning plan, to be sure, as he knows once ye taste the sweet nectar of Spider-Man on PC, ye'll be wantin' more and will gladly hoist the black flag and join the PlayStation brethren.
So heed me warning, me hearties, and prepare to embark on a grand adventure across the digital seas. Play Spider-Man 1 on PC, but beware the siren song of Spider-Man 2 on the PS5, for once ye set foot on that console, there be no turnin' back. Fair winds and following seas to ye, me fellow gamers, and may the treasures of gaming be forever in yer favor!

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