The Booty Report

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Arr matey! The swashbuckling artist, Ian Gibson, hath crossed the great abyss at 77, after blessin' us with his talents in '2000 AD' and 'Halo Jones'.


Avast! His toil be instrumental in shapin' th' visage o' yon early Judge Dredd, ye scurvy dog!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, let us take a jolly ride through the tale of a swashbuckling artist who not only etched his name in the annals of history but also left his mark on the early adventures of the mighty Judge Dredd!

This scallywag of an artist, whose name be Brian Bolland, be a true legend of his craft. His mighty pen and brush did more than just create illustrations – they transported ye landlubbers to fantastical worlds, where justice be served with a mighty blow!

Ahoy, me hearties! Bolland's work be a sight to behold. With every stroke of his pen, he gave life to characters that be larger than life itself! His artistry be so influential that it helped shape the very look of the early Judge Dredd comics, ye know!

Imagine ye self traversin' the streets of Mega-City One, where the law be upheld by the mighty Judge Dredd. Bolland's illustrations brought forth the gritty atmosphere, the towering buildings, and the iconic helmet of Dredd himself. It be as if ye be standin' amidst the chaos and order, all at once!

But it be not just the mighty Judge Dredd that Bolland helped shape. His artistry be so versatile that he sailed through various genres, from sci-fi to fantasy, and even dipped his toes into the world of superheroes. He be like a chameleon, adaptin' to every style with ease!

So, me hearties, next time ye come across the early adventures of Judge Dredd and find yerself marveled by the intricate details and the dynamic poses, remember the name Brian Bolland. A true pioneer in the world of comic art, whose talent be as vast as the seven seas!

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