The Booty Report

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Arr, matey! Despite Believer's lackluster show, them Exorcist sequels be sailin' on, never swayin' from their course!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! As The Exorcist: Believer be facin' a fierce storm o' criticism, ye scallywags be wonderin' what fate befall the other two flicks be. Yo ho ho, 'tis a mystery only Davy Jones can unravel!

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! As ye scurvy dogs may have heard, the movie "The Exorcist: Believer" be causin' quite a ruckus among the landlubber critics. Aye, they be lashin' out against this here film like a pack o' angry sea snakes. But what be truly amusin' be the thought of what befallin' the other two planned movies in this cursed franchise.

Methinks the critics be so mighty upset with "The Exorcist: Believer" that they be stormin' the gates of Hollywood, ready to keelhaul any sequel that dare rear its ugly head! Will the next installment be called "The Exorcist: Doubter"? Or perhaps "The Exorcist: Skeptic"? Either way, I reckon the critics be sharpenin' their swords, waitin' to disembowel these future flicks.

Arrr, but let us not forget, me mateys, that critics be a fickle bunch. One moment they be bellowin' like whales about the "The Exorcist: Believer," and the next they be singin' its praises like a choir of drunken sailors. They be changin' their minds more often than a compass in a storm!

So fear not, me hearties, for the other two movies in this here cursed trilogy may yet set sail. They may face treacherous waters and turbulent winds, but I be thinkin' they can weather the storm. If the critics be so busy arguin' among themselves, they may not have the time nor the energy to sink the next ships in this franchise.

But mark me words, me hearties, for only time will tell the fate of these future films. Will they face a mutiny from the landlubber critics? Or will they find a safe harbor and sail on to entertain us all? Only Davy Jones himself knows the answer, and he be keepin' it locked away in his treasure chest.

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