The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye mateys! The Embracer CEO be blamin' Russia and the cursed Covid for his misfortunes after takin' on hefty debt.


Arrr, ye scallywags be hearin' the news! Lars Wingefors of Embracer Group be divvyin' up his loot into three parts. 'Tis like takin' a treasure map and cuttin' it into pieces for his crew to find! Aye, may the winds of fortune blow in their favor!

Avast ye mateys! Listen up as I share some news that will shiver yer timbers! Lars Wingefors, the captain of Embracer Group, has decided to split his mighty company into three separate parts. Arrr, it be like divvying up the treasure after a successful plunder!
Ye see, this move be like sending different crews on different ships to explore new lands and find more booty. Each part of Embracer Group will have its own focus and mission, like a band of scallywags on a quest for riches.
So, me hearties, be prepared for a new era in the high seas of the gaming world. With three parts instead of one, Embracer Group be setting sail for even greater adventures and conquests. Who knows what treasures they may discover along the way!
So, raise yer tankards and give a cheer for Captain Wingefors and his bold decision. May the winds of fortune blow in their favor as they navigate the turbulent waters of the gaming industry. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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