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Arr, matey! Greta Gerwig be claimin' that her next film be already hauntin' her slumber!


Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye, forsooth! Greta Gerwig be already toilin' on her next venture, settin' sail once more on the cinematic seas! Yo-ho-ho, that lass be a shipshape filmmaker, navigatin' through movin' pictures like a true buccaneer!

Arr, matey! Greta Gerwig be claimin' that her next film be already hauntin' her slumber!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and lend yer ears to this jolly news. The fair maiden known as Greta Gerwig, a talented lass of the silver screen, be settin' her sights on a brand-new venture. Aye, ye heard it right - she be plannin' a follow-up to her previous triumphs.

Methinks this be excitin' news for all ye landlubbers who be admirin' her work. The lass has proven herself a true swashbuckler in the film industry, with her directorial debut, "Lady Bird," causin' quite the stir in the year gone by. But fear not, me hearties, for she be no one-hit wonder. Gerwig be takin' up her quill once again, ready to weave another tale on the silver screen.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what sort o' tale she be conjurin' this time. Well, me hearties, that be a mystery yet to be solved. The clever lass be keepin' her plans under lock and key, only sharin' whispers and rumors among her trusted crew. But fear not, for I have a feelin' 'twill be a tale worth tellin'.

Gerwig be known for her wit and cleverness, so methinks we can expect a tale that be ticklin' our funny bones. Perhaps a rollickin' comedy set amongst the high seas? Or mayhaps a swashbucklin' adventure filled with treasures untold? Only time will tell, me hearties.

So, me fellow pirates, let us raise a tankard o' grog to this talented lass and wish her fair winds and smooth sailin' on her new voyage. May her next project be as entertainin' as a barrel full o' monkeys, bringin' laughter and joy to all who set their eyes upon it. Yo ho ho, here's to Greta Gerwig and her next great cinematic escapade!

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