The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! The treasure of DLC dodges be here: $10,000 Elden Ring race lets ye float past mean ol’ bosses!"


Avast ye mateys! Cast yer eyes upon the 'Sleepwalking' blunder! Aye, this scallywag of a glitch be makin' yer crew wander like lost souls in a fog, trippin' over barrels and fishin' nets! Arrr, it be a sight to make even Davy Jones chuckle!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to the most curious tale from the depths of the digital seas—'tis the infamous 'Sleepwalking' glitch! Aye, it be a scallywag of a bug that be makin' even the most stalwart of gamers look like they be wanderin’ about in a rum-soaked stupor!

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