The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scallywags! The Finals be lackin' a treasure map 'cause them FPS' devs be fearin' to break their word!


Arr, ye be better hoisting the anchor on that kind o' skullduggery, mateys!

"Avast ye mateys! Gather 'round and listen to me tale of caution! For 'tis a warning from this here 17th century pirate tongue. Ahoy there, ye landlubbers! I be tellin' ye, we best be keepin' our distance from that peculiar sort of activity. Aye, ye heard it rightly, me hearties! We be advisin' against indulgin' in such folly.

Be ye thinkin' of engaging in some shenanigans or mischief that befit a pirate's reputation? Nay, I say! 'Tis not the time nor the place for such antics. Aye, we be known for our jolly spirit, but there be limits, me crew! We must be keepin' our wits about us, lest we attract the wrong kind o' attention.

Picture this, me mateys: a rowdy bunch of scallywags causin' a commotion in the port. The townsfolk be givin' us the evil eye, the constable be chasin' after us, and the navy be on our tails! 'Twould be a disaster, I tell ye!

Let us be the cleverest sea dogs on these vast waters. We be takin' heed and keepin' a low profile. No need to be drawin' unnecessary attention to ourselves. We must be wise like the old sea turtles, me hearties!

There be plenty of other ways to amuse ourselves aboard this ship, ye see. We can regale each other with tales o' our past adventures, sing sea shanties, or even engage in a friendly game o' cards. Aye, there be many a way to pass the time without stirrin' up trouble.

So, me fellow buccaneers, let us raise our tankards and toast to the wisdom of restraint. It be a fine line we tread, between merriment and mayhem. Let us be laughin' heartily and enjoyin' our pirate ways, but remember, we best be holdin' off with that sort of stuff!"

In summary, this humorous 17th-century pirate language warns against engaging in troublesome activities that may attract unwanted attention. The narrator advises the crew to be wise and avoid causing a commotion that may lead to trouble with the townsfolk, the constable, or the navy. Instead, the pirates are encouraged to find alternative ways to amuse themselves aboard the ship, such as sharing adventurous tales, singing sea shanties, or playing cards. The message emphasizes the importance of maintaining a low profile and exercising restraint in order to enjoy their pirate lifestyle without unnecessary consequences. The tone of the narration is light-hearted, using pirate jargon and imagery to convey the message in an entertaining manner. The pirates are portrayed as clever and cautious sea dogs who understand the delicate balance between fun and trouble. Ultimately, the crew is urged to raise their tankards and celebrate the wisdom of holding off from engaging in mischief that may jeopardize their adventures on the high seas.

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