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Arrr! The swashbucklin' creator of Final Fantasy spills the beans on what be makin' a proper Final Fantasy game, and why FF16 be a flawless epitome!


Avast, me hearties! Hironobu Sakaguchi hath spoken his mind, lest ye be deaf as a barnacle-covered bilge rat!

In a recent interview, the legendary game designer, Hironobu Sakaguchi, spoke about his latest project and shared his thoughts on the current state of the gaming industry. And let me tell ye, mateys, his words were as captivating as a treasure map!

Sakaguchi, known for creating the iconic Final Fantasy series, be workin' on a new game called Fantasian. Arrr, it be an old-school RPG with a twist! The game be featurin' handcrafted diorama sets, bringin' a unique visual style to the genre. But that's not all, me hearties! Sakaguchi also mentioned that Fantasian be incorporatin' new gameplay mechanics to keep things interestin'.

In the interview, when asked about his thoughts on the current state of the gaming industry, Sakaguchi be not holdin' back. He be sayin' that the industry be like a vast ocean, with many ships sailin' in different directions. But he be hopin' that game developers be findin' their own unique course and not just followin' the trends. Arrr, wise words indeed!

Now, ye might be wonderin' why this be important, me hearties. Well, let me tell ye! Sakaguchi be a true pioneer in the gaming world, and his words carry the weight of a buried treasure. Many young scallywags be lookin' up to him, seekin' guidance on their own game development journeys. So, when he speaks, we all be listenin'!

All in all, me hearties, Hironobu Sakaguchi be still sailin' the gaming seas with his latest project, Fantasian. His words be remindin' us that in this vast industry, it be important to chart our own course and not just follow the crowd. So, ye scurvy dogs, take heed of his wise advice and set sail on your own grand adventures!

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