The Booty Report

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The X-Men '97 finale trailer be throwin' shade at them landlubber X-Men movies, arrr! Aye, matey!


Arrr matey, methinks X-Men ‘97 be makin' fun of Wolverine's garb from the early aughts! Aye, that leather suit be lookin' more like a scallywag's getup than a fearsome pirate's attire. Avast ye, me hearties, let's set sail for better fashion choices!

Arrr matey, have ye heard the whispers on the seven seas? It seems that the X-Men ‘97 be throwin’ some shade at Wolverine and his leather suit from the dreaded ‘00s. Aye, me hearties, it be a right scandalous affair!
Imagine the mighty Wolverine, with his claws as sharp as a cutlass, paradin’ around in a leather suit fit for a land lubber. The very thought be enough to make a pirate squirm in his breeches!
But the X-Men ‘97 be not ones to mince words, oh no. They be callin’ out Wolverine’s fashion faux pas with a clever nod to the past. It be a jest worthy of a hearty “Avast ye!”
So let us raise our tankards of grog to the brave souls of X-Men ‘97, who be keepin’ a watchful eye on the sartorial choices of our favorite mutants. May they continue to entertain us with their witty banter and swashbucklin’ adventures on the high seas of television!

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