The Booty Report

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Arrr, this be a fine city builder on a street of tanukis from the Far East, me hearties! 'Tis a treasure worth plunderin' with 'Very Positive' reviews on Steam. Yarrr!


Avast ye landlubbers! Minami Lane be offering treasure for those brave enough to give the scurvy cats a scratch behind the ears. Aye, a bounty awaits ye if ye be willing to show some love to those furry scallywags!

Arr matey, listen up ye scallywags! Aye, if ye be wanderin' down Minami Lane, keep a keen eye out fer them feline creatures that be lurkin' about. Word on the high seas be that they be rewardin' those brave enough to pet 'em with treasures beyond yer wildest dreams!
Could it be gold doubloons or shimmerin' jewels? Nay, me hearties, 'tis none other than the sweet purrs and cuddles of them furry friends. Aye, ye heard me right! The simple act of showin' some love to these whiskered wonders will have ye feelin' like the richest buccaneer on the seven seas!
So next time ye be passin' through Minami Lane, don't be shy to give them cats a scratch behind the ears or a gentle stroke on their backs. For who knows what treasures await ye? Just remember, it be a small price to pay for the purrfect reward of furry companionship. Arrr!

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