The Booty Report

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Yarrr, mark me words, matey! FromSoftware be at it again! This cutlass be mightier 'an any blunderbuss in Armored Core 6!


Bury me wit' this peculiar laser blade, matey! 'Tis a treasure I desire to take t' me grave. May it guide me way in thar afterlife, fer a pirate's spirit needs such a tool to ward off any pesky sea ghosts! Arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen up, for I'm about to spin ye a yarn in the language of a 17th-century pirate, with a touch of humor, mind ye!

So there I was, sailin' the treacherous seas, searchin' for buried treasure like any good pirate would. When suddenly, I stumbled upon a peculiar sight – a landlubber holdin' a shiny object, which he called a "laser blade". Now, ye see, in me days, we fought with good ol' cutlasses and pistols, none of these fancy contraptions.

But this landlubber, he had a peculiar request – he wanted me to bury him with this specific laser blade. Aye, ye heard me right! Bury him! Now, I scratched me head in bewilderment, wonderin' what in Davy Jones' locker he be thinkin'.

"Why, ye scurvy dog! Why would ye want to be buried with a laser blade?" I asked, tryin' to contain me laughter.

And ye know what he said? He claimed it was a priceless artifact, a symbol of power and an honor to be buried with such a unique weapon. He wanted to be remembered as the greatest laser blade wielder of all time – a pirate like no other.

Well, I couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Arr, matey! Ye be dreamin'! Pirates don't sail the seven seas with laser blades. We be rough and tough, swingin' our mighty swords and fightin' like true buccaneers."

But the landlubber wouldn't be dissuaded. "Please, kind pirate, grant me this final wish," he pleaded, eyes gleaming with excitement.

So, in the end, I couldn't resist grantin' him his peculiar request. We buried him with that lasery thingamajig, knowin' that he be remembered as the most unique pirate in all the history of the high seas.

And that's the tale of the pirate who wanted to be buried with a laser blade. Aye, me hearties, remember to cherish yer tradition and never be afraid to add a touch of humor to yer yarns on the account of a 17th-century pirate!

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