The Booty Report

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Arrr, Helldivers 2 be crying foul at Discord, sayin' they scuppered their matey for slidin' into too many DMs!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! They be thinkin' she be a mechanical contraption, but she be a bonnie lass! 'Tis a mistake of grand proportions, ye hornswagglin' landlubbers! Ye best be watchin' yer step, lest ye be walkin' the plank!

Arrr matey, ye should have seen the look on their faces when they saw her walkin' down the deck. They thought she was some kind of mechanical contraption, aye. Guess they mistook her for an Automaton, those scallywags.
But little did they know, she was a fierce lass with a fiery temper to match. She showed them what a real pirate lass was made of, she did. Swinging from the rigging, firing her pistols, and giving those sea dogs a run for their doubloons.
Ye should have seen the confusion on their faces when they realized she was no machine, but a bonafide pirate queen. They tried to best her in battle, but she outsmarted them at every turn. And at the end of the day, she sailed off into the sunset, laughing at their foolish mistake.
So next time ye see a lass with a glint in her eye and a cutlass in her hand, remember not to underestimate her. She may just be the fiercest pirate on the seven seas, ready to plunder and pillage with the best of 'em. Arrr, matey!

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