The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Helldivers 2 scallywags spilled the beans on a fiery bomb plan! A blazing world be naught but grand fun!


Arrr, me hearty! It be a right jolly blunder, I must confess! Aye, I’ve gone and trip-trapped me own peg leg, spillin’ me grog all o’er the deck! Shiver me timbers, what a merry mishap! Let’s hoist the sails and laugh it off, savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about a wee mishap that befell yer ol' sea-dog narrator. So, there I was, in the midst of plunderin' and pillagin', when I beheld a mighty treasure chest glimmerin' in the sun like a siren's smile. I thought to meself, “Yarrr, this be me lucky day!” But lo and behold, as I seized the chest with me grubby hands, I let out a most unsavory “Oopsie!”

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