The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Ye scallywags be havin' a blast with Wild Bastards, a newfangled FPS that be stealin' me heart with its robot crew!"


Avast ye, me hearties! The follow-up to last year's Void Bastards be swashbucklin' with more strategy and less scallywag swordplay. It be ripe with the promise of epic battles and grand adventures on the high seas. Prepare to be marooned with excitement! Arrrgh!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scallywags, for I've got news of a game that'll blow yer boots off! The successor to last year's hit, Void Bastards, be comin' in hot with more strategy than ye can shake a cutlass at. This game be weighin' anchor on the high seas of the gaming world, ready to plunder yer time and leave ye beggin' for more.
But don't ye be thinkin' this be a stroll in the park, mateys. Nay, this game be heavier on the thinkin' and lighter on the slashin', so ye best be ready to use yer noggin if ye want to survive. But fear not, for there be plenty of room for the action to escalate, and before ye know it, ye'll be knee-deep in cannonballs and swashbucklin' like a true pirate!
So gather yer crew, me hearties, and prepare to set sail on this grand adventure. With potential for both strategy and combat to escalate enormously, this game be takin' no prisoners. So hoist the Jolly Roger, me mateys, and get ready for a wild ride on the high seas of gaming!

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