The Booty Report

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"Ye'll be a-yellin' fer joy!" - Tom King an' Ryan Sook swear their brawlin' tale'll give Black Canary her rightful due! Arr!


Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as scribe Tom King and brush-wielder Ryan Sook be spillin’ the beans on their latest treasure, "Black Canary: Best of the Best!" Aye, prepare yerselves for high seas of laughter and swashbucklin' tales in this comical yarn!

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather 'round as we regale ye with tales of the illustrious writer Tom King and the crafty artist Ryan Sook, who be settin' sail on a grand adventure with their latest treasure: "Black Canary: Best of the Best!" Aye, this be no ordinary comic; it be a tale of a fierce lass who can belt a tune that’ll shiver yer timbers and thrash a scallywag in a heartbeat!

In this merry interview, our gallant creators spin yarns about the fierce femme fatale known as Black Canary. They be chattin’ ‘bout how they crafted her into a bonny lass with the strength of a thousand storms and the heart of a true buccaneer! Writer King be spoutin’ tales of how he penned her exploits, while Sook be bringin' her to life with his art that could charm the gold outta a pirate’s chest!

With a wink and a nod, they share their antics and inspirations, makin' it sound like a rollickin’ good time on the high seas of creativity. So hoist the sails and prepare for a wild ride, for this comic promises to be as thrilling as a cannonball blast! Grab yer cutlass and dive into "Black Canary: Best of the Best," where adventure awaits, me hearties!

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