The Booty Report

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Arrr, the next Scroll o' the Elders be so far out, even Phil Spencer be clueless on which box it'll belong.


Arr, me hearty! It may be a spell o' 17 years 'twixt Skyrim and TES6. That's longer than the time it takes to swab the deck o' me ship! Ye best be stockin' up on grog and hardtack, mateys!

Ahoy mateys! Ye be wonderin' why ye haven't heard any news about TES6, arrr? Well, shiver me timbers, it be because it could be over 17 years since the release of Skyrim before we see the next installment in the series, ye scallywags!

Aye, ye heard me right. It be a long, long time before we set sail on new adventures in Tamriel. Ye might be thinkin', "Why in Davy Jones' locker would it take so long?" Well, the developers at Bethesda be workin' on other projects, like Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, arrr. And let's not forget about the remastered versions of Skyrim and Oblivion.

But don't ye fret, me hearties. Bethesda be known for creatin' games that be worth the wait. They take their time to make sure everything be just right, from the graphics to the storyline. And when ye finally get to play the game, ye'll be sayin', "Blimey, it was worth the wait!"

So hoist the Jolly Roger, me mateys, and enjoy the adventures ye can still have in Skyrim. And when TES6 finally drops anchor, ye can be sure it'll be worth the wait. Until then, keep yer eyes peeled for any news from Bethesda. Who knows, they might just surprise us with a sneak peek or two. Yo-ho-ho!

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