The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs at Marvel be walkin' the plank for tryin' to silence the scallywags of the seven seas!


Arrr, me hearties! NetEase be sailin' towards fairer seas with their new contracts, makin' sure us creators be feelin' less like scallywags and more like captains of our own ships. Aye, aye, let's set sail for better deals and smoother waters, me mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up as I tell ye a tale of NetEase and their new contracts for creators. They be swearin' to make 'em less restrictive and more friendly to us swashbucklers who be makin' content on their platform. Aye, ye heard it right! No more walkin' the plank if ye want to sail with NetEase.
So what be changin', ye may ask? Well, from what I've heard, they be givin' us creators more freedom to do what we want with our content. No more havin' to abide by all them rules and regulations like a proper gentleman. Instead, they be lettin' us run wild like a pack of sea dogs.
Now, I ain't sayin' NetEase be turnin' into a paradise for us creators, but it be a step in the right direction. At least they be listenin' to our grievances and tryin' to make things better for us. So, me hearties, let's raise a tankard of rum to NetEase for makin' strides in the right direction. Who knows, maybe one day we'll be sailin' the seven seas without a care in the world. But until then, let's enjoy the little victories and keep on creatin' like the scallywags we are!

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