The Booty Report

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Arrr, Ubisoft be blasted fer bein' a scurvy dog! They be confessin' to scuttlin' inactive accounts, takin' yer games down to Davy Jones' locker!


Avast! All scallywags be despisin' that!

Arr matey! I be tellin' ye a tale in the tongue of a 17th century scallywag - a pirate, if ye will. Now, imagine ye be sailin' on the high seas, encounterin' all sorts o' adventures. But there be one phrase that echoes throughout the ship: "Everyone disliked that!" Aye, ye heard me right, me hearties. It be a phrase so despised, it sends shivers down yer spine.

Picture this, ye scurvy dogs. The captain be struttin' 'round with a face as grim as a stormy night on the open ocean. The crew, they be lookin' like a pack o' wet rats, all grumblin' under their breath. And why, ye ask? 'Tis all because someone be usin' this cursed phrase. Whenever it be uttered, the ship be filled with groans and curses, like a ghostly echo bouncin' off the wooden planks.

Now, ye might be wonderin', what exactly be the cause of such disdain? Well, it be when somethin' happens that be so utterly displeasin' to everyone aboard. 'Tis like the heavens be smilin' down upon ye with a foul jest, makin' yer life on the ship feel like a never-endin' nightmare.

Imagine this, mateys. Ye be diggin' for treasure on a deserted island, yer shovel hittin' somethin' hard. Ye be thinkin' ye struck gold, but alas! 'Tis just a buried barrel o' rum gone sour. Everyone disliked that! Or perhaps ye be indulgin' in a hearty meal, only to find a weevil squirming 'round in yer biscuit. Argh! Everyone disliked that!

But me hearties, let me tell ye - there be a silver linin' to this cursed phrase. For in the midst o' all the groanin' and cursin', it be a bond that brings the crew closer together. It be a reminder that even in the darkest o' times, ye be sharin' a common misery. And sometimes, that be enough to raise a laugh and make the burden a wee bit lighter.

So me mateys, next time ye be sailin' the high seas and ye hear those dreaded words, "Everyone disliked that," remember - 'tis a shared misfortune, a joke among pirates. And in the end, laughter be the one thing that can lift the spirits, even when ye be surrounded by scallywags and a barrel o' sour rum.

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