The Booty Report

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Avast ye! Hunter x Hunter sails back from the depths after a long voyage, with fresh treasure next month! Arrr!


Ahoy, mateys! Prepare ye jolly souls, for Chapter 401 and a shiny new tome be sailin’ in soon! Keep yer eyes peeled, lest ye miss the treasure of words comin’ to port! Yarrr, it be a grand adventure awaitin’!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I bring tidings from the seven seas of literature! Chapter 401 be a-comin', faster than a ship chased by a kraken! Aye, ye heard it right—this be no mere tale, but a grand saga that be settin' sail soon, ready to whisk ye away on a voyage of adventure!

But wait, thar's more! A shiny new collected edition be on the horizon, glimmerin' like a treasure chest filled with doubloons! This be a fine bounty fer all ye scallywags and landlubbers alike, fer it be bundlin' tales that’ll tickle yer fancy and set yer hearts ablaze like a cannonball in a storm!

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