The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye! Bungie be beggin' forgiveness for Destiny 2's sorry state, offerin' free fancy Eververse armor and a jolly new PvP "strike team" with more maps!


Arr, me hearties! Be ye prepared, for Destiny 2's Crucible mode shalt be undergoin' some mighty alterations come the next year! Brace yerselves, me mateys, for thar be turbulent seas awaitin' us in this grand adventure!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen up, for I've got some news that'll make ye all dance a jig of excitement! Word has reached me ears that Destiny 2's Crucible mode be gettin' a grand overhaul come next year!

Ahoy there, me fellow scallywags! Prepare to set sail on a new adventure, for Bungie be plannin' a bunch of changes to spice up our battles on the high seas of the Crucible. They say the first thing we'll notice be the weapon system overhaul, with all ye swashbucklers havin' a primary, secondary, and heavy weapon at yer disposal, just like in the days of old.

But that ain't all, me hearties! Bungie be takin' a good hard look at the game modes, aimin' to bring more variety to our plunderin'. They'll be introducin' new game types and revampin' some old favorites, makin' sure we never be bored to the depths of Davy Jones' locker. I can already hear the cannons blastin' and the swords clankin' in anticipation!

And let's not forget about the matchmaking, me fellow pirates. Bungie be promisin' faster and fairer matchmaking, helpin' us find worthy opponents without spendin' an eternity in the matchmaking queue. 'Tis a welcome change indeed, for no pirate wants to be left hangin' on the plank while waitin' to test their mettle against worthy adversaries.

So, me hearties, mark me words - Destiny 2's Crucible be transformin' into a whole new beast next year. Bungie be hearin' our cries for more excitement and variety, and they be answerin' with a bang! We'll be battlin', lootin', and laughin' like never before. It be a pirate's delight, me mateys! Now, hoist the anchor and set sail for the Crucible, for a pirate's life awaits us all!

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