The Booty Report

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Arr matey, seek out the scallywags who know the way to them elusive Bones Callers on the high seas!


Avast ye mateys! With the Sea of Thieves Bone Caller, ye can muster a crew of skellies to join yer ranks, but be warned - these bony scallywags be as elusive as a mermaid's kiss! Good luck tryin' to round 'em up on the high seas! Arrrrr!

Arrr matey! If ye be lookin' to call upon the skeletal crew to join yer ranks in Sea of Thieves, ye best be gettin' yerself a Bone Caller. But be warned, these scallywags be a tricky bunch to track down. Ye be searchin' high and low, far and wide, just to get yer hands on one of these mystical devices.
Once ye finally get yer paws on a Bone Caller, ye can start summonin' them skeletons to fight by yer side. Imagine the fear in the eyes of yer enemies when they see a band of undead warriors marchin' towards them, ready to do yer biddin'. It'll be a sight to behold, I tell ye!
But don't be thinkin' it'll be easy sailin'. Ye'll have to be quick on yer feet and sharp with yer sword if ye want to keep yer new skeletal friends in line. And remember, the Bone Caller be a rare find, so make sure ye keep it safe from the hands of other treasure-huntin' scoundrels.
So set sail on the high seas, me hearties, and let the adventure begin with yer trusty Bone Caller in hand. Ye'll be the terror of the seven seas in no time, with a crew of undead warriors at yer beck and call. Arrr!

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