The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Here be a jolly guide on how to lay waste to them Lethal Company turrets!


Avast ye, me hearties! If ye be wantin' to disable them blasted turrets in them treacherous Lethal Company dens, be a clever scallywag. Seek the hidden switches like a landlubber hunts for buried treasure, and swashbuckle yer way to victory! Arrr, beware the cannonballs!

Arr, me hearties! If ye be lookin' to disable them pesky turrets in them treacherous Lethal Company facilities, I be havin' just the tips ye need. Now listen up, me scurvy dogs, and I'll show ye how to outsmart those landlubbin' contraptions.

First off, ye be needin' to find ye a trusty parrot, aye, one that be knowin' its way 'round these tricky contraptions. Teach that feathered matey to mimic the turret's commands, so when ye be approachin', it be tellin' the turret to shut its trap. A good parrot should be able to confuse the contraption long enough for ye to make yer move.

Now, if ye be feelin' a bit more adventurous, ye can try bringin' along a barrel o' rum. Turrets be havin' a weakness for the good ol' grog, and if ye be pourin' a wee bit on the ground in front of 'em, they'll be too busy gulpin' it up to notice ye sneakin' past. Just make sure ye don't be spillin' too much, or ye might end up with a bunch o' drunken turrets causin' chaos.

If ye be wantin' to disable the turrets from a distance, ye'll be needin' a spyglass and a keen eye. Find ye a high perch, like a crow's nest, and scope out the area. Look fer any weak spots or exposed wires, and aim true with a well-placed shot from yer trusty pistol. One shot should be enough to send those turrets into a frenzy.

Lastly, if ye be lookin' for a more sneaky approach, try dressin' up like a Lethal Company technician. Put on one o' their uniforms and carry a clipboard. Them turrets be trustin' folks in their own garb, so ye can be strollin' right past 'em without raisin' an eyebrow. Just make sure ye be actin' the part, or ye might end up walkin' the plank.

So there ye have it, me hearties, a few tricks to disable them turrets in Lethal Company facilities. Remember, a pirate's wit be his deadliest weapon, so be thinkin' smart and keep yer eyes peeled. Now go forth and conquer, but be careful not to end up in Davy Jones' locker!

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