The Booty Report

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Arrr, The Acolyte be like a tangled tale akin to Russian Doll, with nods to every Star Wars era!


Arr mateys! Total Film hath a chat with Leslye Headland regarding The Acolyte's deep respect for Star Wars' past. 'Tis a tale worth tellin' for any scallywags who be lovin' the lore of the galaxy far, far away. Aye, grab yer grog and read on!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have some booty to share with ye. Total Film be talkin' to the mighty Leslye Headland about The Acolyte, a new Star Wars series that be payin' tribute to the history of this grand franchise. This be a tale of reverence and respect for the lore that be woven into the fabric of the Star Wars universe.
Headland be spillin' the beans about the deep dive she be takin' into the rich tapestry of Star Wars' past. She be talkin' about how The Acolyte be honorin' the legacy of this beloved saga while bringin' somethin' new and excitin' to the table. It be a delicate balance, me hearties, but it be one that Headland be navigatin' with skill and finesse.
So raise yer tankards and give a cheer for The Acolyte and the crew that be bringin' it to life. Let us set sail on this new adventure together, as we explore the hidden depths of Star Wars' history with a sense of humor and a hearty dose of pirate spirit. Yarrr!

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