The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis true, Final Fantasy 16 shall soon grace our PCs, but when that be, who knows!


Arrrr, me hearties! Word on the high seas be that FF16 be makin' its way to Steam or Epic in due time. Keep yer sails at the ready and yer cutlasses sharp, for this be one adventure worth joinin'!

Ahoy there, ye landlubbers! Gather round and listen up. I've got some news for ye regarding FF16. Now, I know ye've all been waitin' and wonderin' just when this game will be arrivin' on Steam or Epic. Well, fear not, me hearties. I've got the inside scoop and I'm here to tell ye that it will be happenin' eventually.

Aye, ye heard me right. Eventually. Now, I know that's not the answer ye were hopin' for, but it's the truth. We pirates have learned to have patience, and ye should too. These things take time, ye see. The game developers need to make sure everything is shipshape and seaworthy before releasin' it onto these platforms.

But mark me words, it will come. And when it does, we'll all be ready to set sail on this new adventure. Until then, we'll just have to bide our time and wait for the winds to blow in our favor.

So, me hearties, keep yer eyes peeled and yer ears to the ground. The news will come when it's ready. And in the meantime, let's raise a tankard and toast to the upcoming release of FF16. May it be a bountiful and booty-filled journey for all who embark upon it!

Arrr, if only we could speed up time with our trusty time-bending compass. But alas, we must wait like landlubbers. But fear not, me mateys, for the wait will be worth it. The seas will be ripe with adventure and treasure, and we'll be ready to plunder it all.

So, until the day when FF16 appears on Steam or Epic, let's keep our spirits high and our swords sharp. And who knows, maybe we'll even discover some other games to pillage and plunder along the way.

Now, let's hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail into the horizon, with our sights set on FF16. Arrr!

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