The Booty Report

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Arrr, Ubisoft be boastin' 'bout fancy AI NPCs, but the real treasure be the lass with a saucy attitude!


Ye could just keep yer trap shut about the thing that'll likely displease 'em. Aye, 'tis better to keep mum than stir up a hornet's nest, says I. Keep ye wits about ye, me hearties, and avoid unnecessary trouble. Arrr!

Arrr mateys, let me spin ye a tale of a cunning strategy ye could employ in the treacherous waters of social interaction. Picture this: ye come across some news or information that ye know will not sit well with the crew. Instead of blurting it out like a blundering landlubber, ye could simply keep it to yerself. Aye, 'tis a risky move, but sometimes ignorance be bliss.
Now, I can already hear ye asking, "But Cap'n, what if they find out and be even more furious?" Ah, me hearties, that be the art of diversion. Throw 'em off course with a jest or a distraction. Ye could spin a yarn so outrageous that they'll be too busy laughing to remember the troubling news ye were hiding.
Remember, a wise pirate knows when to keep their trap shut. 'Tis better to avoid unnecessary conflict than to stir up a hornet's nest. So next time ye come across some unsavory tidings, consider keeping it under yer hat. Ye never know, it might save ye from walking the plank.

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