The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys! Ye be hearin' right, a new couch co-op JRPG be on the horizon, thanks to Sea of Stars!


Arrr, ye scallywags! 'Tis true that Sabotage's throwback RPG be more popular than a chest full o' gold! 'Tis sailed past 5 million copies sold, makin' them richer than Blackbeard himself. Raise the Jolly Roger and celebrate this grand victory!

Arr mateys, listen up! The good ship Sabotage's throwback RPG be a true treasure of the seven seas, with over 5 million copies sold. Aye, ye heard it right, 5 MILLION! This game be more popular than a barrel of rum at a pirate's tavern!
With its retro graphics and classic gameplay, this RPG be like a blast from the past, takin' us back to the golden age of gaming. It be bringin' back memories of swashbucklin' adventures and epic quests on the high seas.
So raise yer tankard and give a cheer for Sabotage and their mighty fine game! They be showin' us landlubbers how to make a game that be loved by millions. And who knows, maybe one day we'll be seein' a sequel that be even better than the original!
So here's to Sabotage and their success on the open seas of the gaming world. May they continue to sail on to even greater glory, and may their game be remembered as a true classic for generations to come!

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