The Booty Report

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Arrr! The cap'n of Deadpool and Wolverine be spillin' the beans on those Swift tales, thankin' ye, mateys, for yer crafty fog!


Arrr, Shawn Levy be chucklin’ like a scallywag, sayin’ all them wild theories be keepin’ the landlubbers’ eyes off the real treasure—those sneaky cameos in the superhero flick! Aye, it be a right merry dance of deception on the high seas of cinema! Har har!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I’ve a tale to spin ‘bout a scallywag named Shawn Levy, who be feelin' as jolly as a parrot on a pirate’s shoulder! The good captain of cinematic seas be chortlin’ over how all them fanciful theories about his superhero flick kept the landlubbers busy, lettin’ ‘em sail off into the horizon of speculation. Aye, instead of catchin' wind of the *actual* cameos lurkin’ in the shadows, the gullible crew be chasin’ wild tales like treasure maps leading to nothin' but X marks the spot o' confusion!

With a hearty laugh, Levy be thinkin’ it a stroke of genius, like findin’ rum when ye thought the barrel be dry! The theories be whirlwinds, distractin’ the crew from the real bounty hidin’ in plain sight. ‘Twas a merry game they played, like a cat and mouse chase on the high seas, while the true surprises slipped by like a ghost ship in the fog!

So here’s to Shawn and his clever trickery! Let the theories rain like cannon fire, for in the end, ‘tis all a jolly good time, as long as the audience be entertained and the pirate’s gold be flowin’! Yarrr, now that’s a tale worth tellin’ on stormy nights!

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