The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Ye scurvy dogs! Helldivers 2 be addin' a D&D campaign fer 10 million landlubbers to spin a tale together!


Arr mateys, gather 'round for a live service role-playing session, where ye can be a swashbuckling pirate or a fair maiden in distress. 'Tis a jolly good time filled with adventure, treasure, and plenty o' grog! Aye, 'tis sure to shiver yer timbers! Arrrrr!

Arr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of a live service role-playing session like no other! Picture it: a group of scallywags donning their finest pirate garb, ready to set sail on the high seas of customer service. Ye see, in this game, each player takes on the role of a swashbuckling customer service representative, armed with quick wit and a trusty cutlass to fend off any unruly customers.
As the session begins, the players must navigate through treacherous waters of customer inquiries and complaints, using their best pirate speak to charm and placate even the most disgruntled of landlubbers. With each successful interaction, the players earn doubloons and gain reputation among their fellow buccaneers. But beware, for one wrong move could land ye in Davy Jones' locker!
But fear not, me hearties, for this be no ordinary role-playing game. With its blend of humor and swashbuckling action, the live service session is sure to shiver yer timbers and leave ye in stitches. So gather ye crew and prepare to set sail on a customer service adventure like no other. Arrr!

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