The Booty Report

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Arrr, after a decade, me beloved co-op game Project Zomboid be still not on sale! Blast ye scurvy dogs!


Arrr, mateys! 'Tis good tidings if ye have hearties who enjoy smashin' them accursed undead fiends! Aye, a jolly good time be had by all when ye have companions willin' to lay waste to them cursed creatures of the night!

Arrr mateys! If ye be havin' hearties that be likin' to smash in the skulls of them undead scallywags, then I be bringin' ye good tidings! Even though the cursed plague be spreadin' like wildfire, it be makin' for some grand adventures with yer mates. Ye can gather yer crew and set sail on the high seas, huntin' down them rotten corpses and sendin' them back to Davy Jones' locker!
So fear not, me hearties, for even in times of trouble, there be silver linin's to be found. And what better way to bond with yer shipmates than by sharin' in the thrill of battle against the forces of darkness? So batten down the hatches, sharpen yer cutlasses, and prepare for some bloody good fun as ye defend the seas from the undead menace!
Remember, a true pirate never backs down from a fight, especially when there be grog and loot to be had! So gather yer crew, raise the Jolly Roger, and set forth on a quest for glory and riches, all while sendin' them cursed zombies back to the depths from whence they came. Aye, it may be a dangerous world out there, but with yer loyal mates by yer side, no foe be too fearsome to conquer!

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