The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Todd Howard be swearin' by the Jolly Roger that Starfield's Shattered Space DLC be settin' sail this autumn! Aye, a grand update be on the horizon with city charts and ship upgrades! Ahooy!


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be sayin' the update be comin' this week! I be keepin' me spyglass at the ready, waitin' to see what treasures be unveiled. Let's hope it be full o' booty and not just a load o' bilge!

Arr mateys, gather round and listen closely, for I have news to share with ye all. The update we've been waitin' for, the one that "should be" properly revealed this week, is finally on the horizon. Aye, the time has come for us to set sail on this grand adventure, me hearties!
Let us raise a toast to the developers who have worked tirelessly to bring us this coveted update. May their efforts be rewarded with a bounty of treasure and glory! And let us not forget to thank the mighty sea gods for guiding us safely through these treacherous waters.
So batten down the hatches and prepare yerselves for what lies ahead. The winds of change are blowin' in our favor, and we must be ready to seize the moment. Aye, me hearties, the time is nigh for us to embark on this new journey, filled with excitement and danger at every turn.
But fear not, for we are a crew of strong and fearless pirates, ready to face whatever challenges come our way. So hoist the colors high, me hearties, and let us set forth on this grand adventure with courage in our hearts and a twinkle in our eyes!

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