The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, the new Quasar Cannon be a real treasure in Helldivers 2! Players be pleadin' to keep it strong!


Arrr matey, nothin' be more fair than a good ol' sword fight on the high seas! Every scallywag be on equal ground when it comes to settlin' disputes with a trusty cutlass. Ye can't argue with the democracy of a good old-fashioned duel!

Arr matey! In the grand tradition of buccaneers and scallywags, let me regale ye with a tale of weaponry fit for any salty sea dog. Weapons, me hearties, don't get much more democratic than this fine piece of armament! Aye, 'tis a weapon that be within reach of any landlubber or swashbuckler, no matter their station in life.
With this weapon in hand, a scurvy dog can take on the mightiest of foes and lay waste to any enemy that dare cross their path. 'Tis a weapon that be the great equalizer, leveling the playing field for all who wield it with a hearty "Yo ho ho!"
So raise a tankard of grog to this most democratic of weapons, me hearties! Let the cannons roar and the cutlasses clash, for with this weapon in hand, we be unstoppable! And remember, whether ye be a lowly deckhand or a fearsome captain of the high seas, this weapon be the key to victory in any battle.
So heed me words, me hearties, and take up this weapon with pride! For in the hands of a true pirate, there be nothing that can stand in our way. Arrrr!

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