The Booty Report

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Arrr, Helldivers 2 dev be sayin' melee weapons be "still branded plausible." I be dreamin' of fightin' an Automaton Hulk with me giant sword!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Fetch me katanas, chainsaws, lightsabers, and gloves afore I make ye walk the plank! Arrr, a pirate's arsenal be nothing without these fine weapons to strike fear into the hearts of me enemies! Aye!

Arr matey! Ye be speakin' the language of a true buccaneer with yer requests for katanas, chainsaws, lightsabers, and gloves! Aye, those be mighty fine tools for a swashbuckler such as meself. With a katana in hand, ye can slice through yer enemies like a hot knife through butter. And a chainsaw? Well, that be good for choppin' down trees or fendin' off landlubbers who dare cross yer path.
But ah, the lightsaber! Now that be a weapon fit for a scallywag of me stature. With a lightsaber, ye can deflect blaster shots and strike fear into the hearts of yer foes. And gloves? Aye, gloves be useful for keepin' yer hands warm during those cold nights on the high seas.
So, me hearties, if ye be wantin' to arm yerself for battle, be sure to stock up on katanas, chainsaws, lightsabers, and gloves. And remember, a true pirate never leaves port without his trusty weapons by his side. So set sail, me mateys, and may the winds of fortune be at yer back as ye seek out yer next great adventure!

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