The Booty Report

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Arr, Hideo Kojima be spoutin' his adored films o' 2023, includin' a David Fincher tale 'n the finest crime drama o' the year!


Arrr! Ye be takin' a gander at these entries, and by me hook hand, some o' 'em might just give ye a jolly good startle, me hearties!

Arr, me mateys! Prepare to be surprised and amused by the strange and wondrous words that be found in the language of us pirates from the 17th century! Aye, ye might think we be nothing but a bunch o' scurvy dogs, but we pirates had a way with words that be as cunning as our ways on the high seas.

Now, ye landlubbers might not expect to find such sophisticated terms in the pirate's tongue, but rest assured, we be more than just savvy swashbucklers. For example, did ye know that we pirates had a word for a silly fool? 'Twas "landlubber"! Aye, that's right! We would mock ye by calling ye a landlubber, for ye knew nought of the pirate's life and its perils.

But 'tis not all insults and jests in our pirate's lingo! We had a way of expressing our admiration for a fine vessel by calling it a "beauty" or a "beauty of the seas." Aye, when we laid our eyes on a ship that caught our fancy, we would exclaim, "What a beauty she be!"

And if ye ever found yerself in a bit of trouble, fear not! For we pirates had a word for misfortune too. 'Twas "shiver me timbers"! When things went awry, we would exclaim, "Shiver me timbers!" to show our frustration and dismay.

So, me hearties, next time ye hear tales of pirates, be reminded that the language we spoke was as lively and colorful as our adventures on the seven seas. And as ye delve into the depths of our lexicon, be prepared for surprises aplenty. Arr, it be a language fit for a pirate!

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