The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy Palworld breeder be thinkin' they be God, makin' a Lamball with no work speed! Arrr!


Arr, me hearties! In the Ball of God we be trustin'! 'Tis where we find our luck and fortune, so keep yer eye on the prize, ye scurvy dogs! May the winds be ever at our backs as we sail the high seas! Aye, aye, captain!

Arr, mateys! Listen up, for I have a tale to tell ye about a peculiar saying that be makin' waves on the high seas. 'Tis the phrase "In Ball of God we trust," and let me tell ye, it be raisin' more than a few eyebrows among the crew.
Some say 'tis a jest, a play on them fancy words of the landlubbers. Others swear it be a solemn oath, a declaration of faith in the powers that be. But me? I reckon it be nothin' more than a clever way to keep the crew on their toes, a reminder that even on the wildest of seas, a bit o' humor can go a long way.
So next time ye hear someone shoutin' "In Ball of God we trust," raise a tankard o' grog and join in the merriment. For on the high seas, a hearty laugh can be as valuable as a chest o' gold. And remember, me hearties, no matter how stormy the waters may get, as long as we have our wits and our humor, we'll always find our way back to safe harbor. Arr!

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