Arrr mateys! The Wolf Among Us 2 be sailin' slowly but steady, unveilin' four new treasures for ye eyes!
Arrr mateys, be ye pondering if the next tale be nigh? Methinks the follow-up be lurking just around the bend, ready to pounce like a hungry sea serpent! Avast ye, for the sequel be closer than a peg leg to a pirate's boot!
Arrr mateys, have ye heard the whispers on the wind? Could it be that the long-awaited sequel be nigh? Aye, me hearties, it may be closer than we think! The rumors be swirlin' like a tempest at sea, hintin' at a grand adventure on the horizon.Me shipmates be chattering about the return of our beloved heroes and villains, ready to set sail once more on the high seas. Will there be more treasure to be plundered, more battles to be fought, more rum to be swilled? Only time will tell, but me gut tells me that the sequel be comin' sooner than we expect.
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and prepare yerselves for what may be the greatest tale yet to be told. The winds of fate be blowin' in our favor, and the sequel be waitin' just beyond the horizon. Aye, the adventure be callin', and we must be ready to answer the call!