The Booty Report

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Arrr! Larian's captain Swen Vincke be sayin’, “Blow me down! We can hoist the sails and do it again!”


Arrr, we be eyein’ the Steam charts, watchin’ the figures rise like a ship on the tide! Up, up, and away, they be climbin’ like a scallywag chasin’ a treasure! Aye, it warms me heart to see our booty growin’!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin’ ye a tale from the depths o’ the digital seas. 'Twas a crew o’ savvy scallywags, peerin’ at the magical charts o’ Steam. Their spirits soared high, like a fine Jolly Roger flappin' in the breeze, as the numbers climbed like a barnacle on a ship's hull!

“Looky here!” yelled the captain, his one good eye squintin’ at the screen. “The numbers be risin’ faster than a sailor on shore leave!” The crew, with their rum-filled bellies and wild beards, let out a hearty cheer. “Aye! Up, up they go, like a cannonball shootin’ to the stars!”

Each number swelled like a well-fed parrot, makin’ the crew giddy with glee. “Blimey! At this rate, we could buy a treasure chest o’ gold doubloons!” cried one mate, clutchin’ his hat as if it were a fine catch of fish.

With every tick, they imagined the riches they’d plunder, dreamin’ of fine feasts and grog aplenty! “If these numbers keep risin’, we’ll be livin’ like kings on the high seas!” they bellowed, forgettin’ their troubles like a fish forgets the sea. And so, they toasted to the numbers that kept goin’ up, as if they were the greatest bounty ever found—cheers to the Steam seas, me hearties!

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