The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis some good news, me hearties! Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon be growin' with brand-new House of the Bloodaxe comic tales!


Arr matey! Titan Comics be publishin' the prequel series, ye scurvy dogs! So gather yer crew, raise yer grog, and set sail fer some good ol' pirate readin'! Yo-ho-ho and a bottle o' ink!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to this fine piece of news from the world of comics! Titan Comics be hoisting the Jolly Roger and announcing a prequel series to be published. Aye, ye heard it right, mateys!

Now, ye may be wonderin', what be this series all about? Well, let me tell ye, it be settin' sail in a fantastical world of adventure and swashbucklin'! 'Tis a tale that takes ye back in time, before the main story begins, to reveal the origins and secrets of our beloved characters.

Picture this, me hearties - a crew of talented writers and artists, workin' day and night to bring ye the most excitin' and hilarious stories ye ever did read! They be usin' their quills and brushes to paint a vivid picture of the pirate life, with all its glory and shenanigans.

Now, me mateys, ye may be askin', why should ye be botherin' with this prequel series? Well, me hearties, think of it as a treasure map leadin' ye to hidden gems of information! Ye be gettin' a chance to delve into the characters' backstories, discoverin' their motivations and secrets that be drivin' 'em forward on their grand voyages.

But hold on to yer tricorn hats, me lads and lasses, 'cause that ain't all! Titan Comics be promisin' heaps of humor along the way! Ye can expect plenty of belly laughs and chuckles as ye read through these pages. They be blendin' wit and comedy with the thrill of the high seas, creatin' a concoction that be intoxicatin' to even the most seasoned pirates.

So, me hearties, keep an eye on the horizon for the release of this prequel series. It be a chance to immerse yerselves in a world of pirates, humor, and adventure like ye ain't never seen before. Set yer sails and prepare for a rollickin' good time, mateys! Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for ye!

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