The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Helldivers 2 scallywags be thinkin' 'bout makin' underground maps, but 'tis a treacherous task, mateys!


Arrr, be ye ready for a friendly fire hell, me hearties! Keep ye eyes peeled and yer cannons aimed true, for there be no room for mistakes on the high seas. May the wind be at our backs and the rum flow freely as we navigate this treacherous waters!

Arr matey, let me tell ye a tale of a situation that would surely make even the fiercest pirate tremble in fear. Picture this - a ship bein' attacked by its own crew, aye, ye heard me right, friendly fire hell it be! Can ye imagine the chaos and confusion that would ensue? Cannons firin', swords clashin', all while the enemy be watchin' from afar, laughin' at our misfortune.

It be a scene straight from the depths of Davy Jones' locker, aye, a true nightmare for any sailor worth his salt. The captain yellin' orders, the deck hands runnin' around like headless chickens, all while tryin' to figure out who be the traitor among 'em. It'd be a mess, I tell ye, a mess that even Blackbeard himself would struggle to navigate through.

So next time ye be sailin' the high seas, me hearties, keep a close eye on yer crewmates, for ye never know when friendly fire hell might be unleashed upon ye. And remember, always stay true to yer ship and yer fellow sailors, for in the end, it be unity and loyalty that will see ye safely through even the deadliest of battles. Arrrr!

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