The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Diablo 4 be knowin’ ye crave a sword-swingin’ Paladin, but they be settin’ sail fer fresh horizons!


Arrr, we could set sail fer that, but the crew be yearnin' to strike gold and fill the hold to the brim, savvy? They be dreamin' of treasure more grand than a kraken's belly!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin’ ye a tale from the high seas of teamwork and ambition! Aye, the crew, a ragtag band of scallywags, sat ‘round the ol' ship’s table, ponderin' their next grand adventure. The captain, with a gleam in his eye and a parrot squawkin' on his shoulder, bellowed, “We could do that, but the crew be wantin’ to go big!”

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