The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye! Step aboard Bridge Command, a grand vessel set to whisk ye away to the heavens! Let's sail!


Arrr, come aboard as Edge magazine takes a grand adventure to tour the fearsome USC Havock! Join us as we uncover the secrets of this mighty vessel and meet the scurvy dogs who call her home. Aye, 'tis a tale worth tellin'!

Arr matey! Edge magazine be embarkin' on a grand adventure to visit the USC Havock, a ship of higher learnin' that be settin' sail on the high seas of education. The crew be greeted by a jolly crew of students and faculty, who be showin' off their fine skills in the arts of game design and development.
The captain of the Havock, a wise old sea dog by the name of Professor Tracy Fullerton, be regalin' the crew with tales of their latest voyages in the world of virtual reality and interactive storytelling. The crew be learnin' about the latest technologies and techniques that be helpin' them chart a course for success in the treacherous waters of the game industry.
With hearty laughter and good cheer, the crew be explorin' the nooks and crannies of the Havock, marvelin' at the fine work of the students and faculty alike. The crew be leavin' with a newfound respect for the brave souls who be pursuin' their dreams in the ever-changin' world of game design.
As they bid farewell to the Havock and its crew, the Edge magazine crew be grateful for the opportunity to witness such a vibrant and excitin' community of game makers. They be settin' sail for home with a newfound appreciation for the magic of games and the brave souls who be creatin' them. Yo ho ho, it be a grand adventure indeed!

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