The Booty Report

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Arrr! Me heart be still achin' for New Horizons, and now Nintendo's sendin' us to Davy Jones for a payin' version!


Arrr, me hearties! The fair Pocket Camp be sailin' to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, the little critters be swabbin' the deck no more. Raise a tankard and shed a tear for our jolly little camp, now but a ghostly memory in the briny deep! Yarrrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend an ear, for I bring tidings of a grievous loss upon the digital seas. The fair vessel known as Pocket Camp, a fine haven fer landlubbers and scallywags alike, has met its untimely end—an utter tragedy, I tell ye! The sails are down, the cannons be silent, and the treasures within be lost to the depths of the cyber abyss.

Once, this grand ship sailed the pixelated waters, where ye could befriend creatures of the wild and trade yer trinkets like a true buccaneer. But alas, the winds of fate shifted, and the call to abandon ship rang true. No longer can we gather 'round the bonfire, sharing tales of our conquests and colorful catchin's. The critters be weepin’, and me heart be heavy as an anchor sunk to Davy Jones’ locker!

Yet fret not, ye salty sea dogs! For in this dark hour, we shall raise our tankards high and toast to the memories of Pocket Camp. May the digital spirits of roaming raccoons and crafty critters ever sail in our hearts! So hoist the Jolly Roger, let out a hearty laugh, and remember that even the finest ships must someday find their harbor. Rest in peace, Pocket Camp, ye be missed like a treasure chest in a storm!

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