The Booty Report

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Arrr! Me hearties claim they've cracked ye code o' what befallen David Tennant's Doctor in th' future.


Arrr, had our eyes afore laid upon that scallywag?

Arrr me hearties! If me old eyes serve me right, ye be askin' if we could have laid eyes on that scurvy landlubber before, in the days of our swashbucklin' youth, eh? Well, let me spin ye a yarn that'll tickle yer funny bones and make ye chuckle like a parrot on a peg!

Now picture this, me hearty. It be a fine day on the open seas, with the salty breeze caressin' our tangled beards. We be sailin' the seven seas, pillagin' and plunderin' like true buccaneers. And there, off the port side, we spy a ship, with a flag as black as a moonless night. The captain, a fearsome figure with a hook for a hand and a sneer on his face, be none other than the scallywag ye be askin' about!

We be sharin' a jolly good laugh, for ye see, back in those days, our paths crossed more times than a crab scuttlin' on a sandy beach. We raided the same towns, fought for the same treasures, and cursed at each other like two parrots squawkin' in a brawl. But alas, we never truly crossed swords, as fate had a way of keepin' us at bay.

But now, here we be, reminiscin' about the days gone by. We be older, wiser, and maybe a tad more toothless, but the memories be as clear as the crystal waters of the Caribbean. Oh, the adventures we had! The tales we could tell! If only we could turn back time, we'd relive it all, savin' every last booty and havin' a barrel of laughs along the way.

So, me hearties, next time ye spot a scurvy dog on the horizon and wonder if ye've crossed paths before, let out a hearty chuckle and raise a toast to the good ol' days. For in the vast ocean of life, sometimes ye just gotta laugh at the twist of fate that keeps ye from meetin' face to face with that scallywag ye could have seen before!

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