The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye! Cap'n Todd Howard be claimin' that Starfield's expectations be changin'! Aye, mateys, now every game be an RPG, with XP and levelin'!


"Arrr, we be keepin' our pirate integrity, ye see, when craftin' our games," says Howard of Bethesda RPGs.

In a swashbuckling language fit for a 17th-century pirate, Bethesda's own Howard declares, "Arr! We be stayin' true to our pirate souls, me hearties, when it comes to craftin' our games!" With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he speaks of their beloved RPGs and the essence they strive to capture.

Howard, the captain of this gaming ship, explains that their focus lies in conjurin' a world that be irresistible to plunderers of the gaming seas. "We be wantin' a game that be makin' ye feel like a right ol' swashbuckler, sailin' the open waters, discoverin' hidden treasures, and engagin' in epic battles," he exclaims with a hearty laugh.

"Our games be a vessel for escapin' reality, me hearties," Howard continues, his voice booming like a cannon. "We be creatin' a world where ye can become anythin' ye want, from a fearsome pirate captain to a noble knight. It be all about the freedom to chart yer own course."

As the crew of game developers row their creative oars, Howard reveals their secret treasure map: "We be balancin' a mix of excitin' quests, treacherous challenges, and surprisin' twists to keep ye on yer toes, ye see. And we be fillin' every nook and cranny with rich lore and intriguin' characters ye can't help but fall in love with!"

"But avast! We also be listenin' to our crew, for they be the wind in our sails," he says with a nod. "Their feedback be our compass, steerin' us in the right direction." With a wink, Howard adds, "After all, a pirate captain's strength lies in the loyalty of his crew."

With a hearty cheer from the crew and a gleam in his eye, Howard concludes, "So, me hearties, rest assured that Bethesda RPGs be a treasure trove of excitement, adventure, and mirth! Set sail with us, and let the pirate within ye roam free!"

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