The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the second season o' 'The Last o' Us' be a treasure, matey! Praises to Kaitlyn Dever, our star. On our first day o' filmin', we feasted like kings!


Yarr, mark me words, mateys! Isabela Merced be takin' on th' role o' Dina in The Last of Us season 2, arrr! Prepare yer sea legs, fer a grand tale be awaitin' us all, full o' plunder 'n adventure!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this swashbuckling tale of the 17th century seas! Here be news that'll make ye laugh like a jolly ol' pirate!

Word has reached me weary ears that a lass named Isabela Merced be takin' on the role of Dina in The Last of Us season 2. Aye, ye heard it right, mateys! This be excitin' news for all ye fans of the video game and this here television series!

Now, let me tell ye somethin' about this young lass. Isabela be as talented as a parrot that can recite poetry. She be havin' the perfect blend of beauty and sass, fit to join the crew of any fearsome pirate ship. With her skills, she'll surely bring Dina to life in a way that'll make even the legendary Captain Jack Sparrow raise an eyebrow.

But hold yer horses, me hearties! We haven't even talked about Dina yet! She be a feisty lass who be accompanyin' the brave protagonist, Ellie, on her perilous adventures in a post-apocalyptic world. It be said that Dina be quick-witted, fierce with a cutlass, and can outsmart any scurvy dog that crosses her path.

Now, imagine the banter between these two fierce ladies, like a game of pirate poker with high stakes! With Isabela Merced takin' on the role of Dina, ye can expect fireworks and jests flyin' like cannonballs across the Caribbean Sea. It be a match made in Davy Jones' locker!

So, me hearties, mark this day on yer calendars! The Last of Us season 2 be bringin' us a talented lass like Isabela Merced, who'll be takin' on the role of the fiery Dina. Prepare to set sail on a new adventure filled with laughter, danger, and a good measure of rum!

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